Monday, November 25, 2013

When you wear out your welcome…

…you go somewhere else. And that’s precisely my plan.

For the past few months I’ve been contemplating how best to position my work so that it makes sense to my readers. My readers. Not people who don’t enjoy my work, or people who don’t like controversial reads, or those who take offense to the substance within the pages of my books. Certainly not the ones who don’t understand it. No, I’m talking about my readers. And I use the word “my” with fierce possession. I’m allowed to be possessive of my fans because I worked hard for them, and I made them work just as hard with the books I write. They are loyal to me just as I will continue to be loyal to them by giving them the types of stories they enjoy.

I realized I was doing a disservice to myself and my fans by positioning my work as New Adult. It is not New Adult. It’s nowhere near New Adult. I thought it was, initially, because of the age of my characters (so far, I’ve only written stories that take place in high school). I realized that characters’ ages aren’t nearly as important in choosing a genre as themes, literary technique, and story tropes. Those writing elements should be the factors in choosing a genre because those are the elements that matter most to readers when they pick up a book.

While I don’t think the New Adult genre ever intended to be defined by a certain type of story, it has. And my stories simply do not fit. So I can understand the frustration of a reader who sees my book labeled “New Adult,” picks it up to read, then becomes disappointed that it isn’t the love story she expected. She has a right to be upset. The book is in the wrong section of the library! So while my stories involve teens, the multiple layers I choose to include in my books along with the risks I take addressing controversial topics head on force my work into this weird, doesn’t-quite-fit indefinable genre. A no-label genre. A we-don’t-really-understand-these-books genre. They’re certainly not YA. Too much language and explicit sex. They aren’t NA. They don’t follow the NA love story model. Are they adult fiction? I can’t think where else to put them. And adult fiction, to me, seems like the most “accepting” of the genres. For my books, anyway. I can allow my characters to explore spirituality in adult fiction. I can write stories that include a love theme, but that theme doesn’t have to be the dominant one in adult fiction. I can make sex as important or as unimportant as I want to in adult fiction. I can practice literary techniques in adult fiction and have those techniques matter.

So adult fiction it is! And I came to this decision based on my own feelings as well as the advice and encouragement of bloggers and fans. I’m excited about this change. I wanted you to know that I will no longer be writing or tagging my fiction “New Adult” so that there is no confusion when my next stand-alone releases. It is my last stand-alone that will take place in high school, and it involves high school seniors. And because of the subject matter, it will be labeled “adult fiction.” I’m excited for this change because I think it will eliminate the confusion my books have created, and it will open up a whole new readership to me. My hope is that the readers I’ve garnered from the New Adult world will journey with me into adult fiction. My books won’t change. They will still be distinctly me. But they will make more sense to readers who see them positioned in a genre that fits.

A match made in heaven, I hope.

Oh shit. I mentioned heaven. Should probably scratch that. *wink*

Sunday, November 24, 2013

BETTER Tour Stops

Hey everyone. I wanted to let you know that I've been posting the blog stops for my Better tour every day on my author Facebook page. You can check them out here. Please take a few minutes to stop by some of these blogs. These ladies have been instrumental in supporting my career. Links to the stops are featured in the comments section of the posts. And you definitely don't want to miss tomorrow's treat. You'll just have to wait to find out ;)

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Day 3 BETTER Tour Stops

Time to bust out the feels... (I'm a writer and I said that)

Your support for the Too Good series has been CRAZY AMAZING. When I first workshopped Mark and Cadence's story in my brain, I knew I wanted to incorporate elements that might not sit well with people. The age thing. The God thing. If you've read Better already, the other thing.... (tehehe) I know I take chances when I write. Why? Because those ...
are the types of books I want to read. It thrills me that you do, too! Thank you for letting me challenge you, stretch your brain, make you squirm, race your heart, piss you off, disappoint you, make it up to you, worry you, creep you out, make you cry and laugh and say "WTH??" You're amazing readers to take the ride.

And I plan to write many more books to make you feel those things. <3

And now for our tour stops today. These reviews are fantastic. One in particular made me laugh out loud. There's nothing better than when your words have the power to completely frustrate and confuse someone. 

November 20
Book Nerds Anonymous – Dreamcast
She Reads New Adult - Spotlight
Enter the giveaway! Here's what you can win:
-signed copies of Good and Better
- DJ Shadow's Endtroducing... CD
-$15 Amazon gift card
-$15 iTunes gift card
-signed copies of Good and Better
2nd & 3rd RUNNERS-UP:
-signed copies of Better

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Go forth and book, preferably

It's Alive!!! Better is now available in the following stores! Just click on the link to get your read on :)

Creatspace (print edition)

Already read the book? (Yes, some people have already read the book!) Want to relive it through music? Then you're a woman after Mark's heart. <3

better soundtrack


Better Blog Tour Day 2: Stop by these blogs today and show them some love.

November 19

Smut Book Club – Teaser
Writers and Readers Book Club – Teaser
Forever Me Romance – Spotlight
Laura's Review Bookshelf – Review
Love N. Books - Review
*will link up these blogs as they post

Enter the giveaway for a chance to win one of the following prizes:

-signed copies of Good and Better
- DJ Shadow's Endtroducing... CD
-$15 Amazon gift card
-$15 iTunes gift card
-signed copies of Good and Better
2nd & 3rd RUNNERS-UP:
-signed copies of Better

Monday, November 18, 2013

The BETTER blog tour begins

Better releases tomorrow, Tuesday, Nov. 19!!!
Preorder Buy Links:
Will be available for purchase on Amazon tomorrow.

There's a lot going on. A. Lot. And that's a good thing. Today begins the two-week Better blog tour. Check out the schedule below to read early reviews of the sequel.

November 18
Sugar and Spice Book Reviews – Spotlight; Review to come
Sandwich Making Book Bitches – Spotlight; Teaser
The Romance Cover – Review
The Scarlet Siren - Review

And don't forget to enter the tour-wide giveaway featuring the following prizes:

-signed copies of Good and Better
- DJ Shadow's Endtroducing... CD
-$15 Amazon gift card
-$15 iTunes gift card
-signed copies of Good and Better
2nd & 3rd RUNNERS-UP:
-signed copies of Better
The girls over at Bookaholics Blog are featuring me this week on their Facebook page. We've got teasers from both Good and Better, fun facts about the books, and a giveaway (just scroll down to see the widget). Go check out their page and show them some love.
I'm hosting my first Facebook Author Chat Friday, Nov. 22! This is a closed group. The link to request permission to join can be found HERE. I'll have two sessions:
Session 1 - 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. EST
Session 2 - 7:00 to 9:00 P.M. EST
Hope to see you all there!

And finally, Three Girls and a Book Obsession are featuring me today as part of their weekly "Manic Monday!" Click on their name to go to their blog where you can learn about my books and enter a giveaway for a digital copy of Going Under and Good. Also, check out their FB page and enter the flash giveaway for a chance to win an ARC of Better!


Saturday, November 16, 2013

Author Week at Bookaholics Blog Facebook Page

Totally excited and honored to be the featured author this week at Bookaholics Blog's Facebook page! The girls and I have fun things planned for you. Each day from now until Friday, Nov. 22, we'll post book teasers from the Too Good series, fun facts about my characters, flash giveaways, and a week-long giveaway including signed books. I'll also be hosting a FB chat on Friday, Nov. 22. Details and link to the open FB group coming soon. Just have to figure out a good time.

Hope you all will pop over to Bookaholics Blog's Facebook page and show them some love. Check out their daily posts to learn little facts about the Too Good series. These girls have been instrumental in spreading the news about my books, and they support me hard.

Enter the Bookaholics Blog week-long giveaway here.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Teaser Tour Stops: Days 4 and 5

"Cadence. Rhythmic. His song. His life. He decided that afternoon on the side of the road. She was his cadence." ~ Better

It's getting closer and closer to that time. We're mere days away from the release of Better, and you've no idea how impatient I am to get this sequel to you! My hope is that you love it more than Good and that you enjoy hearing parts of Mark and Cadence's story from Mark's POV.

I'm posting tour stops for both Thursday and today. Take a few moments to stop by some of these blogs. These women have been instrumental in promoting the Too Good series and supporting my work. I realize I don't make it easy for them :) I know my books are difficult to digest, but they believe in me, believe in my stories, and I'm forever grateful.

November 14
Nicely Phrased - Spotlight and 25 random facts about Mark
Sab The Book Eater - Spotlight
Addicted2Heroines - Author Interview about the Too Good series
TheSecretBookBrat - Spotlight

November 15
Tempest Books - Spotlight
Book Nerds Anonymous - Early Review of Better
Stories and Swag - Spotlight and teaser
akiiKOMORI reading - Spotlight
True Story Book Blog - Mark and Cadence Interview

Giveaway for a Better ARC is almost over! Enter here:
Preorder Buy Links for Better:

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Sample some music from BETTER

better sample playlist
for your listening enjoyment 

Teaser Week: Day 3

Here's the Better print cover! Cannot WAIT to get the proof in the mail :)
Better Teaser
Cadence turned left out of the elevator. She wandered down the dorm hall looking for Room 24. But the numbers were too low, and she realized she went the wrong way. She was just about to turn around before glimpsing a message left on a tiny whiteboard attached to someone’s door:
“Student union at 5 sharp. Got someone I want you to meet. – Lindsay”
Cadence stared at the smiley face beside the word “meet.” She wondered if it was a blind date set-up and if Lindsay’s friend would be happy about it. She knew Michael was waiting, but she decided to read a few more messages.

She strolled the hall in no particular hurry, stopping at each door, reading the notes of students who were experiencing college in a very different way from her. She had no idea how long she stood in front of Room 8 staring at the hearts someone drew on the board. She had no idea why she couldn’t control her impulse to draw her own hearts, and reached for the pink marker hanging by a string. She gripped the marker like it was her lifeline to this other world.

She traced the outline of a heart in the lower corner of the board, then colored it in carefully.


Cadence jumped back, dropping the marker. It slapped against the door in the deafening silence of the hallway.
copyright S. Walden, 2013

We've got spotlights, a sample playlist from the Better soundtrack, and some early reviews for you today! Check out all the info at the blogs below. Stop by and show them some hardcore love.
November 13
Novel Seduction - Spotlight
Literati Book Reviews - Review of Better
Book Crush - Exclusive Sample Playlist
Stick Girl Book Reviews - Spotlight
Life Becomes Me - Spotlight
Bookaholics Blog - Review of Better

*Blogs without links have not posted yet. Will update.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Teaser Week: Day 2

Hope you all are enjoying teasers from Better along with early reviews! Don't forget that Good is on sale for $.99 on Amazon in celebration of the upcoming release. An ARC giveaway for Better is happening all week. Make sure you enter for a chance to win. And now on to the participating blogs today. Stop by and show these ladies some love. They work hard to promote me. <3

(Art by Michelle Tan)

November 12
I Love Indie Books - Early Review o Better
Perusing Princesses - Spotlight
Fab Fun and Tantalizing Reads - Exclusive Excerpt from Better
Jessica's Book Review - Spotlight (review of Good)
Novel Seduction - Spotlight

Enter for a chance to win a Better ARC here!
Preorder buy links for Better:

Monday, November 11, 2013

You BETTER believe it's teaser week

I'm stoked about this week for two reasons: 1) It's the final week before the release of Better, and 2) IT'S TEASER WEEK! That's good news for you all because it means you get to read early reviews of the book, read teasers and excerpts, and enter to win a digital ARC of Better. Check out the blogs below who have been so instrumental in promoting the Too Good series. These ladies rock. Plain and simple. Show them some love by stopping by and saying "hello."

For a limited time starting today, Good will be available for $.99 on Amazon. Take advantage of the sale if you've been waiting to start the series, or gift it to a reading buddy you know would love Mark and Cadence's story.

November 11
The Book Bellas - Spotlight
Romantic Book Affairs - Spotlight (teaser, review of Good)
Madison Says - Spotlight (excerpt, review of Good)
All Romance Reviews - Spotlight
Smut Book Club - Early Review of Better
Romance Addict Book Blog - Early Review of Better

Enter to win an ARC of Better here!

Want more chances to win an ARC of Better? Head over to my author Facebook page where I've posted about my Good sale. Share the post with your FB friends, comment that you've shared, and you're in the running for another chance to win! That simple.
Preorder Better here!