Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Fun Stuff Ahead. Prepare Yourself.

Okay Peeps,

Got some really exciting news and fun stuff happening in the days and weeks ahead. Here's the agenda:

1. My editor has graciously agreed to write some guest posts for me about how she became my editor and what it was like for her editing Going Under. I'm going to post these in the next few days right before the I *heart* Ryan tour. Give you a little insight into the process of polishing a book for mass consumption.

2. The I *heart* Ryan blog tour is coming up next week! May 15-June 5. I have a lot of amazing blogs participating, and since it's Ryan-centric, you'll get to learn more about the leading man. So excited about this tour and the Ryan-themed giveaway. You don't want to miss it!

(This lovely banner was created by Ashley at Nose Graze Book Reviews)

3. You goodreads gals and fans have got me so excited about my next book, Good, that I sent off the first half early to my editor! She's doing me a real favor because it's really not right to send a partial manuscript. But because of you, we're fast-tracking this sucker. That doesn't mean it won't be just as well-edited as my other books (she emailed me about receiving it in the mail last night at 10:30 and already read some. Sent me suggestions. Yeah). It just means that I'm trying to move that Fall release timeframe up earlier. AND, at the end of the week, I'll be posting an excerpt from the book. Friday, to be exact. So I hope you drop by to read it.


  1. So excited! Can't wait! You've got great stuff in store!

  2. So excited to see all your success, it's well deserved.
